Translating WordPress Theme

Do you want to translate theme in your language? If so, here are simple steps:-

Step 1: Get Poedit Software

Download and install Poedit software:

Step 2: Open .pot file with Poedit Software

Open .pot file of theme with Poedit software. you can find .pot file inside language directory of theme:

Step 3: Translating Strings

Click on ‘Create new translation’ and select your language like ‘Arabic (Israel)’. Now translate all English strings into Arabic (accordingly selected language).

Step 4: Saving Translation Files

Once all strings translated, Save file: File > Save As. Name of file will be like themename-ar_IL.po

Here ‘themename’ is name of theme, ‘ar’ is language code and ‘IL’ is country code.

When you will save, you will find two files like themename-ar_IL.po and

Step 5: Uploading Translation Files

Upload both files (like: themename-ar_IL.po and inside WordPress location:


If you did not find location, you can simply create directory /languages/themes/ inside /wp-content/

Steps 6: Changing WordPress Language Setting

Now open Dashboard of your WordPress website and set site language here: Settings > General > Site Language

That’s all. Theme is ready in your language.

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